Gervalmark Tap Dance
To Walkon

Born 14.3.97

Being much of an age with Walkon Betwix 'N' Between, "Dancer" was only lightly shown but still managed to be a consistant winner at Championship Shows right through from the Puppy classes to Limit.

She won the RCC from Novice at Leeds Championship Show in July 1998 under breed specialist Frank Wildman before retiring from the ring to motherhood.

She was the first of successful repeat matings, by Ch walkon Crocodiledun Dee, which subsequently produced Norwegian Ch Gervalmark Flash Freddie From Walkon and Ch Gervalmark At Griffe Via Glenauld.


Ch Walkon

Ch & Ir Ch Blueprint Beern
Skittles At Walkon
Jenroy Pop Back To Walkon
Aust Grand Ch Walkon Skittles
Walkon It's Crunchie Ch Glenfall The Gladiator
Ch Walkon Smash'D Again

Go Blown
My Horn At

Ch Tyegarth Pancherenc
At Seacrest
Tyegarth Attitude Adjuster
Glenfall Infamous Plonk
Jenroy In The Pink Jenroy Wot No Stripes
Jenroy Night In White Satin